Monday, November 22, 2010


Most, if not all job seekers, assume the Holidays are an unproductive to look for a job – that little can be accomplished from Thanksgiving week until the week after New Year’s (6 weeks!); as if the job openings that existed the Friday before Thanksgiving do not still exist the week of Thanksgiving! Obviously, that is not true. Employers do advertise less during the holidays but that is not because they do not have needs but because they have found job seekers stop looking during that period and it is a waste of their employment advertising budget to post during that time.

It is unlikely that interviews will take place on holiday weeks but the period can be highly productive and I would argue there is more to do, not less. So what should you be doing?

 Holiday Greetings – send out more Holiday Cards than ever before! People who are aware of your job search may come across a perfect opportunity for you but not having heard from you for a time (out of sight, out of mind) will have forgotten that you are looking. A Holiday Greeting will remind them of you and they will remember to contact you. If your budget is limited, send electronic cards, easily sent to a large number of people simultaneously. If you can afford to, buy professional looking cards than can be sent to everyone regardless of religion. Create an extensive list in Excel and then print address labels. Hand sign each card with a personal note wherever possible.

 Networking – the Holidays are a time for family gatherings and parties. No, you are not going to ask about jobs at a party but you can say to several friends and relatives, “I have an idea I would like to discuss with you. May I call you Monday?” They will say, "of course"; then call Monday and share your list of target companies and see if they can help you connect to any of your targets.

 News Research – the headlines in the big daily newspapers are discouraging; but in the local press there is news everyday of companies moving into larger quarters, of acquisitions, of executive personnel changes, of startups. I recently came across a list of about 70 products made in New Jersey. I never heard of two-thirds of the companies and I have lived in New Jersey for decades. For these companies no one has heard of, there is a struggle to attract applicants while the well-known companies attract thousands. You may have a job offer by December 30th if you can successfully network to the appropriate companies or write a Value Proposition letter to the President telling him or her specifically how you can help their company grow.

 Read – if your family asks what you would like as gifts for the Holiday, include some of the Business Best Sellers. Busy CEOs read these books, often on planes, and you will have much to discuss in an interview if you have read them as well. You will also impress the CEO that you have a similar long-term strategic view as he does.

I assume I have convinced you there is a lot to accomplish over the next 6 weeks. Most importantly, if every other job seeker is taking the holidays off, you will have much less competition and will stand out from others as one of the very few job seekers working hard at your search 7 days per week every week of the year!

Last, there is much you can do to launch a much more effective campaign after the first of the year. Consult with ExecuJobs,, to discuss using the next few weeks to launch a new and improved marketing campaign in the New Year. Give them an opportunity to help you. Contact them @ or go to today!

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